- BS in Computer Science, Brigham Young
- US Patent Granted:
– Active Monitoring of Multi-laser Systems
(9,310,248, US15/079,664) - US Patents Pending:
– Method of Processing Calibration Data in
3D Laser Scanner Systems
– Laser Patterning Skew Correction
Interest / Obsessions
- Family
- Amateur radio
- Outdoors
- Motorcycling
- Science-fiction
- Retro video games
Favorite Quote
- “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
~ The Summer Day, Mary Oliver
- Managing mechatronics projects
- Developing PC and embedded software
- Developing laser systems controls and
communications - Integrating and calibrating 3-axis scanners
- Developing ink jet printers
- Managed several projects at Simplexity consisting of
firmware, software, electrical, mechanical and
systems development - Led team of ~16 project managers to improving
project execution through improving processes,
communication skills, and tools - Developed laser systems firmware, manufacturing
software, software development kits, and graphical
user interfaces - Developed communications and control software for
fuel-cell powerplants and scalable infrastructure for
recording of real-time data from deployed products - Developed ink supply firmware for consumer and
office printers